What is an HVAC Filter and Why is it Important?

HVAC filters are an essential part of any home's HVAC system, as they are responsible for removing any impurities from the air such as pollen, pet dander, dust, and more. Learn why it is important to replace these filters regularly.

What is an HVAC Filter and Why is it Important?

HVAC filters are an essential part of any home's HVAC system, as they are responsible for removing any impurities from the air, such as pollen, pet dander, dust, and more. It is important to replace these filters regularly, as they can become clogged with particles over time. At its most basic function, an air filter removes any particles that could be harmful to the air quality inside your home, as well as protecting your HVAC system from potential damage.HVAC air filters with a MERV rating between one and four offer minimal filtration. They capture particles larger than 10.0 microns, and are typically used for window units and residential areas.

If you want to buy a higher MERV filter than recommended by the manufacturer, you risk burning the blower and heat exchanger of your HVAC unit. It is generally recommended to change filters at least every season, if not once a month. MPR 1500 HVAC air filters capture large and small allergens, as well as particles that carry odors and viruses. While MERV filters with a high rating are more effective at removing particles in the air, they lose their effectiveness faster than other filters and can also be detrimental to the proper air conditioning flow.

When evaluating your home, home air, lifestyle and home comfort goals, Service Champions offers you the HVAC air filters that meet your goals. If your HVAC requires a thicker filter, it will most likely be a little expensive than other standard filter sizes. If you take great care of your HVAC unit but know that it will eventually fail, as do all HVAC units, consider investing in a home warranty to protect it. Similarly, households with indoor smokers compared to those without smokers will need different HVAC air filters to achieve the same level of indoor air quality.

When used in conjunction with other practices recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, an updated HVAC filter can be part of a plan to protect yourself and your family.